Unemployment occurs when a person actively looks for a job and is capable of performing so but is unable to find one. The unemployment rate is basically used to measure the economic health of the country.

Undoubtedly, unemployment is increasing daily, and several reasons exist. Some of the common reasons and causes for unemployment are mentioned here to let you understand why unemployment occurs and the fundamental causes that result in an increasing rate of unemployment day by day.

Five Major Reasons for Unemployment

The main reasons and causes of unemployment include depression, job outsourcing, technological improvements, recessions, and voluntary leaving a job to find another. We will look at the in-depth details of these reasons so individuals like you can understand unemployment causes and how to overcome them.

  • Recessions
  • Depression
  • Job outsourcing
  • Technological improvements
  • Voluntary leaving of Job


The recession is basically a period of low economic activity in the country. It happens when there is a lower demand for goods and services. With lower demand, any organization minimizes the workers and employees.

The firm also restricts itself from increasing the prices, which ultimately ends up increasing the unemployment rate. Although it is temporary, it is one of the primary reasons that results in an increased rate of unemployment in the country. That concludes, when there is low economic activity, a company needs to make less and sell less, and for that, only a few employees are enough.


A prolonged and extreme downturn in the economic activity of the country results in depression. It is also called an extreme recession that lasts a minimum of three years and a maximum of years and years.

Depression minimizes the GDP of the country, which ultimately ends up increasing unemployment. And just like in a recession, when there is less need for products and there is less demand for goods and services in the country, few employees are enough to fulfill the need.

Job Outsourcing

Outsourcing is basically the hiring of third parties to perform services that generally were performed by the company itself. While outsourcing has numerous benefits, it also adversely affects the employment rate and maximizes unemployment in the country.

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This happens because when an organization hires third parties for its work, those who were previously employed for that specific task lose their jobs and are left unemployed. So, we can say job outsourcing maximizes the unemployment rate within the country and leaves numerous employees jobless.

Technological Improvements

The relationship between technological advancements and unemployment is directly proportional to each other. With the advancement in technology, the unemployment rate increased. Such a type of unemployment is called technological unemployment.

It is basically the loss of jobs that is caused by the change in technologies. This is because machinery and the latest technologies are now replacing humans.

With this, the unemployment rate increases because more advancements result in more replacement of employees by machinery and the latest inventions. Well, technological advancements are another primary reason that notably increases the unemployment rate in the country.

Voluntary Leaving Of Job

When an employee willingly wants to leave the job to do another job but is unable to find another job, it also increases the rate of unemployment. This voluntary termination occurs on behalf of the employee itself.

It has been seen that most employers who voluntarily leave their jobs and quit their jobs to work in another organization or company sometimes end up being jobless. This is another reason that can lead towards increasing the rate of unemployment.

One thing that should be kept in mind is that you have to make sure you have found another job before quitting your former job. This can balance the employment rate and does not cause unemployment.

What factor causes unemployment?

There are several factors that can result in unemployment. Some of them include recession and depression in the country, technological improvements, and job outsourcing. Unemployment also occurs when an employee voluntarily leaves one job to find another.

What are other reasons for unemployment?

Economic instability, insufficient job opportunities, and population growth result in unemployment in the country. Moreover, lack of quality education and limited access to education also increases the unemployment rate.

What are the four main types of unemployment?

There are four major types of unemployment. Frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, seasonal unemployment, and cyclical unemployment. All four of these are different from each other and have different causes and effects.

What is the most harmful type of unemployment?

The most harmful type of unemployment is structural unemployment. This unemployment occurs because of the changes in the structure of the economy. Structural changes are the changes that are done in the structural part of the economy, such as the changes in industries and firms.

What is voluntary unemployment?

Voluntary unemployment is a situation in which an individual is unemployed because he is unable to find the work of their choice. This type of unemployment does not occur due to the unavailability of jobs; instead, it occurs because employees do not find the work of their own choice.

Unemployment is one of the severe economic issues that end up impacting the country’s economy and social status tremendously. But it is something that is often overlooked.

Accessing unemployment, focusing on its causes, understanding its effects, and concluding solutions to minimize unemployment should be something that young adults should focus on. Hopefully, you have gone through this article that tells you about the causes of unemployment and what are the significant reasons that increase the unemployment rate in the country.

The article covers the five primary reasons that are said to be the most basic causes of unemployment. Pay attention so you can have an idea about unemployment causes and how they increase unemployment in the country.