Are you applying for an Unemployment Insurance Fund, but cannot find an online platform to get proof of unemployment? It is a document required to claim unemployment benefits if you are fired by the employer. The purpose of unemployment proof is to ensure UIF that you are unemployed for no reason.

However, finding an online platform to get unemployment proof is not only hard but impossible because there is no such platform. In South Africa, you cannot get an unemployment proof document online, instead, you need to fill out a form and send it to authorities manually. Come with me to see the details about the unemployment form.

How to Get Proof Of Unemployment Online?

Unemployment has become one of the outstanding issues in South Africa, as nearly more than a quarter of the population is unemployed in our country. There are various reasons why unemployment is increasing in our country.

The prominent ones are the slow growth of the economy and structural unemployment. People facing financial deprivation or in debt are unable to manage household expenses.

However, you can apply for an Unemployment Insurance Fund if you are looking for financial assistance. You need to fall under the eligibility criteria and provide the required document. In these documents, proof of unemployment is one of the most important parts.

People frequently ask how to get unemployment proof online, but there is no such platform that provides proof of your unemployment. Instead, you need to fill out a UI.6A form in order to get the unemployment proof. You can download the form with the help of the guidelines I have provided.

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Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Go to the link I have provided below.

Step 2: A new page will appear in which you can see a PDF format form; you cannot fill it out online.

Step 3: Click the “Download” button on the up right corner.

Step 4: A window will appear on the screen asking for the location, download it on the desktop.

Step 5: Once the download is complete, press the ctrl + j key and all the downloaded files will appear.

Step 6: Open the relevant file or click the “Show in folder.”

Step 7: You can also open the file from the desktop.

What I Need To Do Next?

The form has been downloaded, opened, and now you need to read it carefully. Print out the form and fill it out by providing authentic information and attaching the required documents to the form. Review the provided information, and then you need to visit the nearest Department of Labor.

There are two ways to get the unemployment proof, you can visit the Department of Labor office or you can send the form to its postal address. In my opinion, if you visit the office, you can effortlessly get unemployment proof; otherwise, you may need to be patient if you send it to the postal address.

In case you find difficulty understanding the download and submission of the unemployment document, you can get assistance from the Department Of Labour office. But I assure you, the form is simple to download and one can effortlessly fill it out. Once you submit the form, the Department of Labour will investigate your occupation status and then issue proof of unemployment.

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If the department finds an individual manipulating the government office, it can take legal action against you. Therefore, provide only authentic information and attach the certified documents. The proof of unemployment will be issued the same day you visit the Department of Labor, or it may take 2 to 3 working days.

How do I prove I am unemployed in South Africa?

To prove unemployment, you need to fill out the 13-digit bar-coded identity document and provide 6 months’ payslips. Additionally, you need proof of registration as a job seeker and a fully complete resignation form.

Do South Africans get unemployment benefits?

Yes, unemployed people can get Unemployment Insurance Fund benefits if they have contributed to the program while working.

There is no way to get unemployment proof online, you can download the UI.6A form via the link I have provided above. Download the form and fill it out carefully, then attach the required documents with the form.

Send it to the postal address of the Department of Labor, and it will issue you the unemployment proof. I hope this information will help you in the future; thank you.